INT Nodes
INT is an IPBFT blockchain with a DPoS+dBFT consensus protocol maintained by elected Validator Nodes and Candidate Nodes. Validator nodes are run by the INT community.

The nodes provide INT with networking, storage, and computing tasks, and collectively keeps the blockchain running smoothly while maintaining transparency, immutability, stability, and security.

INT encourages each Validator Node to build and develop their own communities and so the global community can cooperate and grow the INT global ecosystem.


Mainnet 3.0 - Live

  • 13 Validator Nodes
  • 87 Reward Nodes
  • Candidate Nodes
  • 2000 TPS

Mainnet 4.0 - Upcoming

  • 25 Validator Nodes
  • Candidate Nodes
  • 2000 TPS

INT 4.0 Validator Recruitment Plan

INT is recruiting Mainnet 4.0 network validators on a long-term basis. Organizations and individuals who meet the requirements can apply and become INT 4.0 Validator to jointly participate in the maintenance and governance of the blockchain network and receive node rewards.

Node Incentives

INT Foundation will spend 20 million INT per year as node rewards. The rewards will be all paid out of the INT Foundation's dedicated wallet. Rewards are tiered and is dependent on type of node and amount staked.

INT Token

INT is the native token on the INT blockchain network.

The INT token is used to stake on the network to passively earn more INT, as well as used to vote in community proposals. The token is also used to pay transaction fees on both the INT main network and subchains.